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wwwww just hit 180 000$ before the first month

at day 5 i began to write down my progress and including tax seed cost and daily income i grew to profit of 63240$/week till day 12. my tomato rate of tomato per seeding was 1.5 and as i sold them for max price i sold the total of my tomatos for almost 100,000$ but do to cost of living (taxes and travel) and seeding which was close to 30,000 of cost 

absolute W game


Nice work BenBop! I enjoyed trying to find a gap in the market and selecting a price that would maximize my earnings! The art is also very appealing. Some minor critiques:

- I wish there was a way to click through the day expenses summary

- Some of the text is hard to read due to the LOWREZ nature... not sure how to improve that while preserving the themes

- It took me some time to understand I could only sell once per day, I think there could be a little more clarity/eventfulness to the selling UI to clarify that this is a one-time decision (button locks or something)

Overall, great work! The premise is immediately engaging and the game looks lovely

You can click to speed up the end of day expenses though I will speed it up and A text heavy game may have not been a great idea for this jam. I will work on implementing a button locking system as well!


Fixed now, The expenses screen seemed to be slow due to lag that I couldn't reproduce now you should be able to skip it by clicking as well as made it so the sell buttons lock after selling until the next da

Thanks BenBop; both of those changes were significant quality of life improvements!